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Avoiding the Top 5 Cloud Migration Mistakes: Expert Insights by Atlas Systems

Written by The Atlas Team | May 18, 2022 1:15:47 PM

Cloud migration has become immensely popular since it provides a great way to enhance business functionality and performance. Digital transformation has enabled businesses to achieve success, and scale growth through cloud migration with the help of a reputed IT infrastructure consultancy.

Whether it's an MNC or a startup, migrating to the cloud can benefit businesses. Cloud computing also allows employees to work remotely, which can be very convenient with the proper Cloud solutions.

However, migrating to the cloud can be challenging, and businesses need to increase the scope of success by taking necessary measures to avoid making common errors.

According to studies, about 30% of cloud migrations fail, leading to significant business losses. However, with proper methods and collaboration with IT infrastructure services providers, businesses can also save money. Generally, one factor is not responsible for causing trouble, leading to losses for the company. The situation is even more complicated, and countering only one factor is not enough to make your cloud work the way you want.

5 Common Cloud Mistakes & Ways to Avoid Them

Are you thinking of migrating your business processes to the cloud? You should ensure that it's done correctly, or it may result in losses for your company. Here is a list of a few common errors which can be dangerous if you do not pay attention to these details. Cloud experts at Atlas Systems, the leading IT infrastructure service provider, have some suggestions for businesses that can help them avoid such blunders. Read on!

  • Security & Cloud Environments

You should also care for various related security concerns when you incorporate a new system. After you upload data to the cloud, it is not stored on your hardware but in a data center that belongs to the selected cloud provider. A trustworthy company like Microsoft offers a high level of security to your data. But before that, you need to configure your data correctly, or else the security provided by data centers would not matter. Finally, the security of the data is in the hands of companies, and IT infrastructure services ensure that security is not compromised while migrating data to the cloud.

Moreover, you cannot differentiate between different cloud environments as they are pretty similar. You need to pay for a subscription to store your data, which employees can access remotely, saving space on your hardware. Cloud environments have different abilities and functions, and each one is set up differently. Therefore, one should avoid migrating from one cloud to another blindly. You should first become familiar with the new cloud environment and migrate your data.

  • Do Not Move Everything at Once And Without a Proper Purpose

It would be best if you do not hurry in Cloud migration. It might be enticing to move all the data at once and eliminate the use of hardware. Successful migrations happen slowly by moving some aspects to the cloud initially and then the rest.

For certain clouds, such as Microsoft 365, moving your emails first and then shifting the other services is feasible. You should set targets and strategize what has to be done at certain times so that the migration does not become unmanageable and all the data gets appropriately shifted.

Cloud computing is convenient, but it may not suit every company. IT infrastructure consultancy can help you understand if you need to move to the cloud. If you have set up a new server within the past few months, it might not be beneficial to move away from it. You should try a hybrid cloud approach in which certain things remain in the hardware location, and the others are moved to the cloud. Companies can also save expenses by keeping certain things on-premise. After that, if and when the need arises, you can move more data to the cloud.

  • Examine Properly Before Migrating

Migrating applications to the cloud might not function as expected immediately after moving them. Based on the file types, and the kind of cloud you are using, you may require some changes so that they can operate the way you want them to.

Certain applications might require a greater computing power than they used to have before, or your cloud provider might supply it. When migrating to a new system, organizations should be sure that they are comfortable working with the administration and security features.

  • Never Copy & Paste Current System

While migrating to the cloud, businesses often copy all their present data and paste it to the cloud server to clear up the data. The plan is executed rarely, and if your business has been operating for a long time, with a lot of data generated, it would be ideal for checking whether all of the data is still needed. Managing and monitoring the systems becomes more convenient if you can initiate your cloud environment with only the necessary data.

  • Ensure a Proper Planning

For cloud migration, companies need to incur additional expenses. Therefore, they should ensure that everything works effectively and smoothly. You should know what you plan to do and when for a structured transition. You should ensure that everything functions smoothly and what issues should be fixed for the cloud to work correctly.

In case everyone works on a central plan, the migration occurs smoothly. IT infrastructure services can assist companies in making a proper strategy and achieving a proper migration.