Take the Hassle-Free Approach to Managing Your Provider Network

Your provider directory is a key source of connection to the members of your health plan – providing essential information as they search for a new practitioner. But your network can also become a source of major disappointment if members discover that the information there is not reliable, resulting in wasted time and even “surprise” medical bills.

In a 2023 study by Atlas PRIME, over 80% of consumers said that finding incorrect information in a provider directory reduced their trust in the health plan involved. And legislation like the No Surprises Act makes directory accuracy a business imperative.

Features & Capabilities:

  • “Instant” onboarding and seamless collaboration with health plan teams
  • AI-powered approach to data validation, including a self-service portal
  • Real-time access to provider data trends, via PRIME’s state-of-the-art dashboard
  • Compatibility with FHIR, other standards

A Turnkey Solution for Keeping Directories up to Date

Now in its 15th year, PRIME® from Atlas Systems takes the hassles of provider network management off of your hands. Recognized as the gold standard in provider data accuracy, PRIME works with health plans and practitioners alike to be sure that crucial information – like location, specialty, in-network status, and whether a provider is accepting new patients – is fully up to date.

PRIME’s technology and proven methods consistently deliver an accuracy rate of 95% or more.

Key Benefits:

  • Enhances member loyalty and satisfaction
  • Delivers hassle-free compliance with No Surprises Act, as well as state and local regulations
  • Strengthens relationships with providers through simple, multiplatform attestation
  • Allows provider data to “speak to” credentialing and other activities through interoperability

Want to learn more?